Ekoprodur S0330 is a two-component system for the manufacture of closed-cell, self-extinguishing, rigid polyurethane foam. The foam’s excellent insulating properties have been achieved through the use of HFO – a fourth-generation foaming agent from the group of hydrofluoroolefins with a low greenhouse effect potential GWP1 = 1 and zero ozone depletion potential ODP = 0. It is widely used in the construction industry, e.g. as thermal and condensation insulation in residential, agricultural, industrial or livestock buildings.
Fire classification
Apparent core density
≥ 34kg/m3
Resistance coefficient of water vapour diffusion
μ ≥ 60
Thermal conductivity
λ90, 90 : 0,021 W/(m·K)
Short-term water absorption
WP ≤ 0,10 kg/m2
σ10 ≥ 200 kPa
≥ 100 kPa
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